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Houses for Teachers
Wednesday, 29 September 2010 Written by Administrator

Joseph NziroreraJoseph Nzirorera

I am a tailoring teacher at Father Vjeko Training Centre. I don’t know where to start and to end thanking the Franciscans because they helped me a lot since my childhood because of my physical handicap. During the war in 1994 I lost both my parents, in 1998 I lost, again, my Vjeko. So I continue to work with the Franciscan brothers. After my tailoring study I became a teacher. After all, the Franziskaner Mission supported my course in Canada. It was my first time to travel out of Africa; from there I come with a baggage of knowledge and different experiences from different people and places.

Now I am really happy to be living with my brother in my house, which was my dream: to have my own house. That I could not even dream about. I received help from some friends in Canada to build my house, but I was not able to finish it. So the Franziskaner Mission helped me to complete my own house, where I brought my brother from Gikondoro (Cyangugu area) and gave him a room. He is now studying in Father Vjeko Training Centre. I really appreciate the way Franziskaner Mission is helping people, including myself. Thanks a lot to all the good people from Germany and other places.

Egide NzamurambahoEgide Nzamurambaho

I am a carpentry teacher at FVTC (Father Vjeko Training Centre). I thank all the good people and the Franziskaner Mission who helped me to have my own house. With my little salary and the complicated rules of construction, I would not be able to have my own house without help, and I was even afraid to think about marriage because in Rwanda if a young man is thinking about marriage he has to build his own house. Now I started marriage preparations, and soon I will marry. I also thank the Franziskaner Mission with my whole heart for supporting my carpentry course in Canada. My sincere thanks to the entire Franziskaner Mission team.

Adeliphine UmuhozaAdeliphine Umuhoza

I am a tailoring teacher and a former student at FVTC, an orphan of both parents (I lost them during the war in 1994). I am a mother of one boy. My husband doesn’t have a job; he is doing local jobs in the village. We got married, but with nowhere to live. After a year a boy was born. There was no hope that we could manage to build our own house with my salary. I am the one who is taking care of the house. We have been consuming all our monthly income, with no saving.

After getting help from Franziskaner Mission we built our own house, and now we are living in our own house. And now so many projects are possible, like saving for our boy and paying school insurance for him. How I cannot thank those good people? How I cannot appreciate? How I cannot sing and dance in my house. We are really enjoying this new life given us by all good people through Franziskaner Mission. Really, thanks a lot.

Denise NyiraminaniDenise Nyiraminani

I am a cook at FVTC, married and have got one girl. I got married two years ago - my husband my daughter and I have been living with my husband’s parents in an old house which is very small. Inside the house you could not discuss something very important and secret for us while others are at home. Even to talk in our room is to tell all the people who are in the house our secrets (the house is very small and the walls are not done properly, there are even some holes in the walls).

But all this is now history. This entire situation ended when Franziskaner Mission took responsibility of helping us to build our own house. Now we are free to talk our secrets. For me that is a miracle. What can I add? Say? Give? Nothing, except a sincere: Franziskaner Mission thank you very much.

Nyaminani ValensValens Nyaminani

I am a teacher in building section at Father Vjeko Training Centre. I am thanking the Franziskaner Mission for supporting me to build my own pretty house. I am still single and I have 31 years. Last year I borrowed some money from the bank, then I bought a piece of land, near my place of work. From my parents place it is far to go to work to FVTC. So I planned after the payment to the Bank to ask for another credit to construct a house, then preparing for marriage.

This will take me ages and ages... and when you look how old I am sometimes I became discouraged. Who knows? God can open your door... so this happened to me. I think that I am dreaming. I have got my own house through Franziskaner Mission. Now another part of my life can start…. I am thanking to the Franziskaner Mission from the bottom of my heart.

Ildephonse HabimanaIldephonse Habimana

I am a cook at Father Vjeko Training Centre. I live with my family of five children and their mother. Two of my children are in secondary school and three in primary school. If you look at my former house you may say that I am crazy... it is true? A man like me who was not able to paint his house... plaster it... repair the rooms... That is not all - materials needed for repairing a house...

My wife doesn’t have a job, the little salary that I am getting we have to buy food, pay school fees for the children….. then the money was finished... I am appreciating very much support from Franziskaner Mission which helped me to build a house where I am now living with my family. I am really, really thankful.

Jean Paulo HaJean Paulo Habanabakize

I am a carpentry teacher at Father Vjeko Training Center. Before I was living with my mother, sisters and brothers and now I moved from my parents place to live in my own house - built by good action of Franziskaner Mission. I only dreamed that once I would have my own house, which my wife will occupy and my children will be born - in my own house.

Then this happened; I never thought that will be. The reason is that some people are taking care of us, even without knowing us! What can I do except to thank our God that He may bless you. Soon in December I will get married because everything is organized for me by you. Thanks a lot again!

Felicite TwambazemariyaFelicite Twambazemariya

I am a teacher at Father Vjeko Training Centre. Our land is situated in a place where land has to be divided and people have to build as soon as possible. If somebody is not able to build, he has to sell it to somebody who is able to build. Our mother decided to give each child hers or his piece of land; I didn’t know what to do. To sell that land would not bring much money. So I kept silent. But God knows how to use people and save the others.

The Franziskaner Mission supported me to build my house. For the future, I know this is very important - that even though I am a girl, when I get married, in case that my husband will not have a house, we will stay in our house. Thanks a lot Franziskaner Mission.

Emmanuel HakizimanaEmmanuel Hakizimana

I am a night watchman at Father Vjeko Training Centre. My father died long ago; then also my mother died, so I lived at my parent’s house, which is very old. Even I have 40 years. I was unable to build a house. That old house was constructed in the local way - no cement, no stone, imagine how they are... before getting married I tried to build a new house but I failed completely. So I decided to get married anyway from my parent’s house. Now I have three children and my own house, built as a gift from Franziskaner Mission; by their support. I really appreciate that support and I thank the good people from Germany and Franziskaner mission.

Immaculée IyambajeImmaculée Iyambaje

I am a secretary of Father Vjeko Training Centre, By the help from good people through Franziskaner Mission, we have our own house and we hope by this will improve our life. Recently, two month ago I got married, my husband didn’t manage to build a house before the marriage, and we were renting a place to stay, every month we spending money paying for our accommodation. This situation was very difficult when you look on our monthly income, but now we are happy, because we have our own roof, not having to pay rent. By the old culture in Rwanda, a woman had to leave her parent’s place and go to her husband’s place, but this doesn’t matter because my husband is really enjoying staying in our house built by Franziskaner Mission. Thanks a lot. I am really thankful to all the people who participated in this project.

Emmanuel BarihutaEmmanuel Barihuta

I am a teacher of building section. I am really enjoying sitting in my sitting room and compound of my house and sharing this happiness with my wife and my little girl. Two weeks ago I got married. I was a single guy living with my parents, sisters and brothers.

Through the Franziskaner Mission I got help and I built my own house. It was not easy for me getting married because I asked myself how I will bring my wife and my girl to live with me at my parent’s house. Now I really appreciate that help because now so many projects are in my mind since I got where to put my head. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

François NkurunzizaFrançois Nkurunziza

I am a day watchman at Father Vjeko Training Centre. Last month some Christians have been sent by our Parish Priest come to participate in blessing of my house. It was really good. Imagine an old man of 55 years of age that never slept in floored house, I mean with cement. After blessing of the house what was happening... it was a joy in our family: I, my wife and my seven children praised God and gave thanks to the Franziskaner Mission and all good people with whom they are working together to help people in need.

I say in need, because I really needed a house, any kind of house. My old house was built by trees and mud and all trees were destroyed by the insects so, it was remaining mud and a part behind had fallen down. When the rain came, I couldn’t sleep because I was afraid that whole house will fall on us. But now, everything is fine. I have my house, with my family. I do not have words to thank those good people from Germany. I do not have. I just can say may the Good Lord bless each your step. Franziskaner Mission thanks a lot.

Vestine MukayisengaVestine Mukayisenga

I am a cook at Father Vjeko Training Centre. Two years ago I got married and now I have one boy. My husband was living at his grandfather’s house where we got married from. That house was really old. I was ashamed when people come to visit us as a new couple. But now we have our own house which is really nice and meets all our needs. This is not our success by our power. This success is done, because there are some people who spend most of their free time working on charitable action. This is done by good people from Germany through Franziskaner Mission and our family is really appreciative of that kindness, and I promise we will continue taking good care and look after our house.

Theogene AhorwendeyeTheogene Ahorwendeye

I am a young guy and a carpentry teacher at Father Vjeko Training Centre. Some people are asking me what has happend to me. Do you know why they are asking such question? I know! This time I am a smiling guy; all the time, everywhere…since I got a help from Franziskaner Mission for constructing my own house, something has changed in my mind. Now I am able to start to prepare some projects - like getting married, soon! I can say that Franziskaner mission not only helped me to have my own house, but helped me to have direction in my life.

Herman MutsindaskyakaHerman Mutsindaskyaka

I am working at Franciscan community in Kivumu, looking after the cows, chickens, rabbits etc. All my children are in school. While I am working there I got support from Franziskaner mission to build my house. I was staying in a house maybe of 24 square meters with my seven children; one is at university, another at secondary school while the others are in primary school. So I am really happy to have my own house. My wife is enjoying sweeping the floor using water; At least, for me, I used to see that how was done in the Franciscan place. But for her, it was the first time to do it in that way; to sweep a cement, rather than dirt, floor. Thanks a lot to the Franziskaner Mission and good people from Germany for all your support.

Edited by: Valerie Kae Ken

Father Vjeko Center

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