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Education for better future
Tuesday, 10 June 2008 Written by Florentine Ayingeneye

Ayingeneye FlorentineI am Ayingeneye Florentine. I came to this school at the beginning of this year 2007, for learning tailoring. I was welcomed by the teachers and other students of year one tailoring who also wanted to study. I have managed to find so many good things at the school like: very good and organised teachers who follow student’s mistakes and advise them where possible. We study different things from other schools which I see out there and we are able to study various things. We study not only tailoring but also French, English and our mother language Kinyarwanda.

There are enough tools for every student. Like in tailoring, every student is able to use his/her own machine and this has made happy not only me but also other students. The school provides a well cooked lunch to us students and this helps us to follow our daily studies. Another thing, this school receives every kind of students who are interested in it. Boys and girls are able to study from the same class, use same tools. Those who did not know how to read and write are helped so much.

Now I have come to start the second term with courage and power, ready to receive every thing from my beloved teachers and I think with God’s help and my fellow students I will do the best to reach the standards.
Our school is very good   as I have already said though some times we meet few problems like: in tailoring to combine our theory with practice, school provide some fabric, of course even us we have to bring some which is not easy to our parents because those fabrics are very expansive and prices are increased daily.

Please youth outside there come and study, CFJ is waiting for you and is ready to help you. So I am thanking CFJ as a school, staff member of the school, my fellow students in the 3 sections, the director, and all people who brought that idea of building CFJ in Kivumu, all people who do not sleep and who can not eat without thinking of Kivumu population.

May Our Supreme God bless them and give them courage to continue thinking of Kivumu population.

Father Vjeko Center

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