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Another Workshop!
Saturday, 23 April 2016 Written by Valerie Kae Ken

Another Workshop

It seems the first Professional Development workshop was a success and the teachers asked for another one, suggesting that the next workshop be even longer. And so once again, in November to 15 December 2016, I returned to Kivumu, to facilitate another Train the Trainers’ workshop. Twenty-nine teachers from the various sections of our two schools (Carpentry, Brick Building, Tailoring, Welding, Electricity, Plumbing, Computer Science as well as the teachers from the General Studies sections) attended the second workshop.

This time, as well as working on lesson planning and how to create good examination papers, our focus was on the projects that our students have to complete to show they have understood the skills training they are receiving. Considering that we had to design projects for terms 1, 2 and 3 for all subjects and in all sections for each of years 1 and 2 for our Vocational Training Centre students, and for terms 1, 2, and 3 for all subjects in all sections for the S4, S5 and S6 students from our Technical Secondary School, it was no easy feat!

I am proud to report that the teachers all pitched in and worked hard to create meaningful projects for our students. We had to consider a number of things when we designed the projects. One, they had to be both interesting and challenging at the same time. Second, we had to consider how the student’s work would be graded. And third, we had to match the projects to the students’ ability as well as to our teaching objectives.

Another Workshop

Another Workshop

Another Workshop

Another Workshop

Another Workshop

Another Workshop

Another Workshop

Another Workshop

And so, at the end of the second workshop, with the able help of Doris, one of our volunteers from Croatia who translated the written work to computer, we now have a great many well-designed projects ready to present to our students for this school year.

This time all participants, as well as all auxiliary staff members received a cap with our Padri Vjeko Centre inscription! Thanks to all who participated and to all who assisted to make the workshop such a success! Learning can indeed be fun!

Father Vjeko Center

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