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A new friendships
Tuesday, 17 June 2008 Written by Jean Marry Vianny Munyuraba

Munyuraba Jean Marry ViannyJa se zovem Munyuraba Jean Marry Vianny i redovni sam učenik druge godine Centra za formaciju mladih Otac Vjeko u građevinskom sektoru. Došao sam u ovdje u školu iz razloga što sam bio nezaposlen. Najviše vremena sam provodio kopajući na poljima i radeći neke kućne poslove. Naša obitelj nema dovoljno zemlje da bi mogla živjeti od toga, tako da smo preživljavali kopajući na poljima kako bi smo nešto novca uspjeli donijeti doma. Ja sam bio snažan mladić ali bez nade i budućnosti. Jednog dana sam dobio vijest da u Kivumu ima zanatska srednja škola koja pomaže mladima da se obrazuju i da steknu bolju budućnost.

I am Munyurabe Jean Marry Vianny, a regular student at Centre de Formation Pere Vjeko, 2nd Year Building section. I came here to school and I am not afraid of saying that I was unemployed. Actually I was occupied by digging and doing some house works. We do not have enough land to produce our livelihood but we get some income from our digging work. I was a strong boy without the hope of a good future. One day I got good news that at Kivumu there is a vocational school which is helpful to the youth, and I wished being one of these youth.

First I had to discus it with my parents and many problems, questions came out. Like, who will pay the school fees? If it is us, how? If you left us who would help us at home (it is not easy as a last born a have a lot of work at home)? As a conclusion we decided that I have to go to school to learn building.

Reaching to school life went on very well. We have enough time for looking and visiting around making good friends. Although the school fees are very little amount possible, it is not easy to get it. However, my parents come to school and discus how they will pay it slowly by slowly I succeeded to attend the second year.

I study practice and theory, plus mathematics, French and religion. From these various lessons I expect to have enough baggage after my studies until in September, which will help me to prepare much better my future life. I appreciate so much how things are done at school, like the lessons, relationship between staff and students, the cleaning of the compound.

Dear brothers and sisters who are reading my message thank you very much and you are most welcome at our home Centre de Formation Pere Vjeko.

Father Vjeko Center

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